Saturday, February 14, 2009

Judd Gregg, the stimulus and all the other news

I was reading Bret Baier's blog the other day (Bret replaced Brit Hume around the first of this year on Fox News' "Special Report", for those of you who don't watch). Bret wrote that trying to follow the news in the last few weeks is comparable to drinking from a fire hose. Boy, is he right.

It is a full-time blogger's dream! For someone who enjoys doing it as a hobby and addition to all my other duties, though...I feel overwhelmed just trying to keep up with everything, let alone write about it.

So on Thursday evening, the news broke that Judd Gregg had withdrawn his nomination as Obama's Commerce Secretary due to irresolvable conflicts with the administration. As the news trickled out over the next few hours, it became clear that a key sticking point was the census and the tinkering Obama's people are engaging in with it. It is also abundantly obvious by now that the Obama administration has no intention of learning any lessons from fiscal conservatives. From what I know of Gregg's record, he has not always been immune to the seduction of pork to take home to his district, but he has done pretty well over the years, especially in comparison to some others. What has been done in the past is not the whole point right now, though: the question at hand is or should be, what will really help the country? And it certainly isn't spending ourselves into oblivion with money we don't have, adding trillions of dollars in deficits for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren to absorb.

It has been interesting to watch the battle lines get drawn (so quickly) over Obama's first month as President. I don't know that it could be any other way in these times. It is an era that certainly demands action, but it has never been more crucial that the RIGHT action be taken. And a $600 check per person is not something that can work, no matter how assertively the Democrats may declare that it will.


Ted said...

Obama’s stealing the census from Congress has suddenly awakened and enraged the Republicans. Maybe this will arouse them as well to challenge Obama for stealing the Presidency itself. They surely know he is not an Article 2 “natural born citizen” (which is more than merely being a 14th Amendment “citizen”) by virtue of either Obama’s birth to a dad of Kenyan/British citizenship or birth in Kenya itself — as manifested by his unwillingness to supply his long form birth certificate now under seal.

Glen Asbury said...

Ted, I really appreciate you dropping by and leaving a comment. However, I can't let it stand without a response. Barack Obama was born in the United States and he is a natural born citizen. It is a travesty that this blatant untruth that he was born in Kenya is still being spread. Please read this Newsmax (a conservative magazine) article by Ronald Kessler for further details: