Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It is official: McCain VS. Obama

And who would have seen it coming 6 months ago, from the least of us "commentators" (a class to which I certainly belong!) to the greatest (Limbaugh, King, Hannity, Hume, Russert, Noonan, etc.)? At that point, it looked highly likely that we might have a Romney/Clinton contest on our hands....if I remember correctly, Rudy was already starting to fade.

Obama clinched the nomination tonight, 5 months to the day after he won the Iowa caucus. I knew something was going on when I watched his acceptance speech that night. McCain will have a fight on his hands (I almost said the fight of his life, but that happened in a POW camp in Hanoi in the mid-70's).

There seems to be universal puzzlement among the punditry at Hillary's nonconcession speech this evening. Is she maneuvering hard for the VP slot? (My guess, yes.)

I have to say that the mind does not immediately leap to another Democrat that Obama would likely pick, and Hillary did bring a ton of voters with her, nipping at Obama's heels the whole way once she fell behind. It seems that from their point of view, it would make strategic sense, but I really wonder if the Obama camp's egos and/or hurt feelings are too sizable to allow it to happen? That would be understandable; look at and listen to Bill over the last couple of months! Lashing out at Todd Purdum for his column (Purdum is married to Clinton's former Press Secretary, Dee Dee Myers, the first woman ever to hold the job), accusing Obama of playing the race card (???), using the "fairy tale" terminology to describe Obama's Iraq War has had a cumulative effect. And you can't separate Hillary from Bill, no matter how you try.

Well, it is too late for much in-depth analysis on my part, but I'm guessing it will be a few weeks (probably August) before Obama makes any running mate announcements of substance.

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