For those of you who don't know Lisa and Danny (Bryant), a little background. She is the nursery director at church, and one of Olivia's favorite people in the whole wide world. When we pull into their drive, she screams, "SHESHA!" really loud, and wails when we have to leave. Lisa has been invaluable to us as we've had our doctor appointments in Indy. She has said that she has dedicated her summer to helping us and Maddy. She has a wonderfully giving heart and I love her bunches! I owe her if you're reading this, Lisa, when do I keep your kids?!!
On Memorial Day, we took the kids to the zoo, and met Alyssa and Jed there as well. Jed and Alyssa are some of our closest friends here in Kokomo, and again, we love them dearly. We have fun hanging out, garage saling, shopping, EATING! Jed and Glen get more into theology and politics than we girls do. Alyssa has brought us more than one meal out of the blue. So you know....of course we love them!
Here's some pics. Jed took some of the girls feeding the birds...hopefully I'll get those soon.

Jed and Alyssa
In the bike trailer we bought for Glen to use with the girls. It conveniently turns into a stroller of sorts, very nice for the zoo.
Daddy and Livy
Glen trying to figure out the video mode of our camera!
In other news, yesterday we had another visit to the Prenatal Diagnosis Center. AND, drumroll please, we have a tentative date for our calendar! On July 11, I will have an amniocentesis to make sure Madeline's lung function is developed enough, and as long as that report is good, I will have a c-section at 8:00 a.m. Monday, July 14! I have to be there at 6! I have a feeling I won't sleep that night. For one thing, I've never had a c-section! Our new friends who also have a newborn with SB told us that her incision was from hip bone to hip bone (I understand that's unusually large) so that the baby could be delivered in the sac. I'm not sure if that is for the protection of the myelomenigocele or what, but believe me, I'm a little nervous! I've never had any kind of surgery before, let alone major abdominal surgery!
IF the delivery date turns out to be on July 14th it will be 2 days after Caleb's birthday. I'm going to pray that you will get a small abdominal incision and not one that stretches from bone to bone, maybe a small bikini cut. I encourage you to talk to your OB and express your feelings about a smaller incision, it might help, after all you are paying the bill.
Hi Pam/ Glen, it's been interesting catching up on your lives via internet. I'll be thinking of you and your family this next month. God is in control. ... Beth Keeler (formerly Ranney)
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