Saturday, October 18, 2008

A few after-midnight election thoughts

I am appalled to see that prior to the previous post, I hadn't gotten on here for 11 days! You would think nothing was happening, wouldn't you? Not exactly a positive trajectory for someone trying to get some practice at this fine science of blogging.

It has seemed that news becomes old so quickly in recent political events that it is hard to stay on top of it and be current unless you're somebody like the intrepid Hugh Hewitt, who has a team of bloggers, including himself, that post a number of times throughout the day, at length.

I am heartened to see that the polls are starting to swing back in McCain's direction. I would not be at all surprised (and I know this is far from an original utterance) to see the race so tight on Election Day and the polls swinging so crazily the week before it, that we literally have no idea who wins until the networks start calling states that night.

I hear Colin Powell is going to go on Meet the Press tomorrow and announce that he isn't endorsing Obama, but he isn't supporting McCain. Ho hum. Powell is a fine man, but who really cares? Do endorsements mean that much? Does anybody even pay attention? I don't even think Lieberman's support of McCain has really pulled that many over; Lieberman isn't officially even a Democrat anymore, after all.

It has certainly been interesting to watch the spin after the last debate and to see McCain's standing improve, even though virtually everyone, including the Fox All Stars, agreed that Obama won the debate. (I didn't think McCain did that well myself, though I didn't think he was horrible, either.) And the dissing of Sarah Palin continues, even while she draws highly enthusiastic crowds. Witness Peggy Noonan for the most recent example...which pains me since I have been a fan of hers for a good number of years.


simpleman said...

As a political blogger I have to agree with you that it can be very hard to stay on top of real time happenings unless you do it 24/7. However I think your writing is very good and you do an excellent job. As for endorsements such as Powells of Obamas campaign I don't think the really matter. I also don't think that the polls really matter either. The only thing that will really matter is Nov 4th, 2008 and I would wait until the election is called and not just by the media before i lament or celebrate the nations decision.

Anonymous said...

We will try to forgive you for your long hiatus.
Hollywood has already figured out a lesson that Noonan could learn well: hype means absolutely nothing compared to numbers. Remember the most expensive movie of it's time, "WaterWorld"? Despite it's incredible hype it was an abysmal failure at the Box Office. Obama has the hype, but Palin (yes, many of us will be voting for her on Nov. 4th.) has the numbers. 10 million people tuned in on CNN alone to see Gov. Palin's debate, SNL had it's biggest viewing in 14 years Saturday, she speaks to sold out events. Numbers tell us there is an incredible following behind Palin that no-one's acknowledging. Imagine in 1992 if polls only included Bush and Clinton but no Perot. We have this enormous power that's not being included in any polls.

Joy said...

Although you're right, a Colin Powell endorsement doesn't do much, I know I was shocked to see that he actually did endorse Obama. Wow...didn't see that one coming. It seems to go against everything the man has stood for in the past years of his career. Let's hope that the rest of America isn't so easily lured over to the Obama side....