Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Blagojevich debacle

Truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction.

Have you ever seen anything like this story??? I don't think anyone except the most reckless potboiler-type author would try to concoct something like this, let alone attempt to publish it. It is, indeed, quite the visual effect to see the side-by-side clips of Blagojevich's Monday denial of any wrongdoing, inviting anyone who may feel the need to wiretap or tape him to do so...and then the followup clip of him being led away in handcuffs on Tuesday morning. Incredible.

And the profanely disrespectful references to Obama, accompanied by the overt discussions about bargaining for the Senate seat? How arrogant was/is this man? How could Illinois' voters put this man in the Governor's mansion for two terms, especially when the previous Governor, George Ryan (a Republican), was sitting in a jail cell himself by 2004? The whole thing defies belief. Yet, Blagojevich left his jail cell and went back to work today!!!

Can't the legislature call an emergency session if they have to and vote to expel him? I would probably have to look painstakingly at the state constitution for a while to deduce what the process is for this, but would it really take that long to rally whoever needs to come together to pull this off? The evidence is irrefutable....there seem to be hours' worth of conversations that document blatant fraud and corruption on an unprecedented level.

Count me in among the camp that is withholding judgment on Obama until we see more of the facts. Obama can't be faulted for everything that comes out of Illinois. After all, let us not forget that even the hometown of Jesus came under scrutiny, though for different reasons! (See John 1:46.)


simpleman said...

This is a very good post, I loved reading it.

Anonymous said...

Blatant? yes Unprecedented? Come on the only thing this guy did wrong was open his mouth. The only thing that separates politicians, some get caught, some do not. And what about innocent until guilty?

Glen Asbury said...

Lewis C: Raimondo agrees with the first part of your comment, at least. I thought you might enjoy the read: