Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brit Hume's interview with the 2 George Bushes

Sorry I have been writing so much about TV lately, but it seems I've been doing a spate of viewing, and in any event, I can do a lot of it while I grade papers, participate in online discussion boards and that sort of thing.

I wouldn't have missed this special in any event, with Brit Hume sitting in Chris Wallace' Fox News Sunday chair, interviewing the two President Bushes. Just a simple snapshot of Brit Hume facing the father and son there in the White House Cabinet Room is rather riveting. This is only the second time, after all, that a father and son have both served in the Presidency. Some feel it is interesting that it is only the second time. I think it is rather astonishing that it has ever happened at all, especially when you consider the legacies of many Presidential children. (Do a study on that sometime; Doug Wead has a book about some of them called All the President's Children that would also be worth your time.)

Say what you will about both Bush 41 & 43, and I have plenty of criticisms for both. Yet, it is quite a tribute that George and Barbara have not only spawned a two-term President, who managed to win the White House 14 years (and 2 successful gubernatorial elections) after leaving alcoholism behind, but also a successful two-term governor of Florida, a daughter who is a fine businesswoman in her own right, and two other sons who are doing quite well in their own fields despite personal adversity (Marvin and Neil).

Brit Hume is one of my Top 5 favorite journalists on the scene today. His laconic air masks, at times, a deeply inquisitive mindset, a solid reportorial background, complete journalistic integrity and an off-the-wall sense of humor that is a winning mix, in my book. I will miss him on "Special Report", but will hope to see him frequently as an analyst on Fox.

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