Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Specter switching parties

Human Events, the Drudge Report and the Washington Post are all running, to varying degrees with the story that Arlen Specter will be running as a Democrat in 2010 for re-election to the Senate from Pennsylvania. Michelle Malkin's blog, however, is where I found Arlen Specter's own statement, that the Republicans have moved too far right and he is more in sync with the Democrats now, yada, yada, yada.

So Arlen, let me figure this out: Ronald Reagan's brand of Republican practice, built on a visceral opposition to totalitarianism, pro-constitutional and anti-judicial activism bias and strong support for the sanctity of life and other social issues was just fine, obviously, since you ran on this GOP ticket for the first time in 1980 and won. But now, having been decimated in 2 consecutive election cycles by George W. Bush's compassionate conservatism, the GOP has gone too far to the right and won't do any longer? Calling Specter a "sham" doesn't do him justice. Way to go, sir...use the party for your own personal advancement for 30 years, then ditch it when this ploy no longer is effective.

But just as troubling to me or more so is that a mere two weeks ago, Senator Cornyn threw the support of the NRSCC behind Specter. What if we had stood on constitutional principle rather than ceding Pennsylvania to the forces of liberalism? Would the outcome have been any worse if we had maintained the courage of our convictions?

So the Democrats, once Al Franken is seated, will now have their 60 votes. And unless at least one Democrat can be peeled off while all Republicans stand together unanimously, a filibuster is a nonoption.


Anonymous said...

This is just another step in what must happen.
At this point nothing is surprising in Washington,(or the Corporate sector) as all continue to fall in line with all perfect obama. If big government and high taxs work in the short term, and the Dems hold control through 2012,we may very well never see obama leave office, and become the first Czar of the new world.
Think about it, right now he has the ability to pass a admendment to remove term limits on the executive branch, fast forward 2014 or 15, the media adores him, the people do not care, the government is providing all needs, the big bill has not yet came do,any opposition is touted as extream or loony.
Now I know this sounds a bit out side reality. But as I watch the rapid change in this country and world, and it becomes more predictable, like a book I have read many times before, like the last chapter of the Bible.
I think I will give thanks to God for allowing me to witness mans greatest moment in history, HIS END.

Glen Asbury said...

OK Anonymous poster, who are you? I have to differ with the apocalyptic tone. Study the last century and you'll see that American politics are cyclical. This is not the end of the human race, although we're certainly not heading in a good direction right now...and it could be the beginning of the end of America as we know it if we don't stop this FAST. But I'm not surrendering, Anonymous....no, not by a long shot. I'm in this to fight, not witness "man's greatest moment in history, HIS END."

Danny said...

No Glen not me.
I do how ever agree that with his super star like following, and the media, he may be around for awhile.