Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mommy is home!

Pam's Grandma passed away last Saturday morning. It was not unexpected since her Grandma was elderly and had been in failing health and state of mind for some time, but it is still sad to lose a close family member.

I was out of vacation time, thanks to the Alaska trip, so couldn't go. We checked and were able to find an air fare to Pittsburgh from Indy for $26.50 more than the gas would have cost, had Pam driven the van out there!

So Pam flew out Saturday night and I had 2 little girls alone for 4 days. All in all, it went very smoothly and to be honest, I didn't feel I saw too much of them! I don't care for that part of it, but knowing that there were many willing ladies eager to help comb hair and keep 2 little girls occupied since I had to work took a lot of pressure off of me. Alyssa combed their hair when we got to church Sunday morning, then Kirsten took care of them Sunday night. They spent the day and night at Doug & Carmen McCools' on Monday and at Danny & Lisa Bryants' on Tuesday....then Mommy came home yesterday! So, we are one happy family again.

I have been busy, though, which is 1) why I was glad for the help and 2) why I haven't blogged substantively for a few days. I will have more to say about politics either later today or tomorrow.

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