Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert, continued....

An hour later, and I am still taking it all in. All of Washington is stunned.

I have found a column by the Wall Street Journal's Jon Friedman that showcases what we loved about Tim Russert. Here it is.

Howard Fineman, as grizzled a Washington journalist as there is (Newsweek, MSNBC, etc.), spoke of Russert's devout Catholic faith, saying that he refused to "bow to false gods" as so many do in Washington (Fineman's words all, not mine). A forthright admission from a mainstream journalist.

I will always fondly remember the excitement with which I would look forward to his interviews with everyone, knowing that he would be polite, but would spare no question just because it was not particularly welcomed by the guest, Republican or Democrat.

I first became truly aware of Russert through his book Big Russ and Me. This book is one of those you don't forget, and it sits on my shelf. I will certainly reread it now.

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