Friday, March 14, 2008

Changes in Blogspot setting

I've changed the setting on my blog so those without Google/Blogspot accounts can still leave comments. Please feel free to leave comments (at this point, we welcome them!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Glen, you may remember me as Arvin and Leighton Weese's mom in Key West. I went to college with your parents. I stumbled onto Pam's block recently and then she directed her readers to yours. I was so saddened when I read about what is going on in your lives. Mother (Ruth Finch) and I have been praying for all of you. I am also BLESSED by both Pam's and your strength and thanksgiving for all of God's blessings. You are truly letting HIS GRACE carry you through this valley of testing. I know one thing. God loves little Maddy and He has chosen parents that will be an extension of His love and care to her! We will continue to pray for you.

In Christ's love,
Marilyn Weese

Glen Asbury said...


WOW...what a surprise! Please send me an e-mail at I'd love to talk further with you...
