Monday, March 10, 2008

First post!

Well, what else do you call the first post? I mean, really....for that matter, what do you say to open your first paragraph? "Hello everyone, I've finally arrived in the blogosphere!"? That implies that people have been eagerly checking the Web with bated breath on a daily basis hoping against hope that I'll show up out there somewhere. Not so much.

The truth is that I should have started this blog at the first of the year when there were a lot of surprises left in the 2008 primary election season. I believe there are still plenty left, not just in this particular foray, either. As long as there are politicians anywhere in the world, but especially in the United States, there will be ample fodder for political junkies such as I.

Exhibit 1: Today! Gov. Eliot Spitzer (very much D- New York) steps up to the mic at a 2:30 press conference to announce that he's behaved inappropriately. Yes, you could say that. Somebody on Anderson Cooper 360 just reported that he paid $4300 for a Feb. 13 liaison with a New York callgirl at (I think) the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., then went up to the Hill to give testimony the next day (Valentine's Day) in a corruption case. Lovely, isn't it? This is a man who has gone after Wall Street types with a vengeance for not following the rules to the letter. I think we can start counting the days down until the Spitzer administration comes to a deservedly ignominious end. Quite a fall from grace for a governor who was elected in Nov. 2006 with the largest percentage (69%) in the history of New York gubernatorial races.

Back to the reason for the emergence of this blog: I talk to quite a few people about politics on a regular basis. The problem is, life is so fast-paced nowadays that by the time I see even the people whom I'm with regularly (at church, work, etc.), events that seemed major when they occurred have been eclipsed by subsequent happenings. Perhaps this type of forum will provide a chance for discussion in what at least approximates real time. We'll see.

I enjoy writing and a good political what's not to love?

Most of my posts will probably have a political theme, but every once in a while, there will be a divergence from the routine (i.e., around August 4, when our 3rd child is scheduled to arrive!).

So if you find this blog, welcome to the conversation; I'm glad you've dropped by for a few. Let's chat!


Unknown said...

This promises to be an interesting and helpful blog, & worth checking regularly. It might even be considered "show prep" for those os us who are not as well read.

Faith said...

So you think no "people have been eagerly checking the Web with bated breath on a daily basis hoping against hope that I'll show up out there somewhere"? Not so, my boy! (Ok, I'll let ya grow up now.) I've been looking and looking for you. Glad we finally connected.

I don't know if you knew, but interestingly enough, while my nephew and his family were stationed in VA Beach, they traveled to Wayne's church sporadically. Small world!

It's fun reading your blog. I'm enjoying your writing style as much as what you are writing. I can almost hear your voice--which was a surprise to me after all these years. I sat here reading and grinning! I can't say I'm surprised at your political theme. You were always trying to figure out American politics.

Faith said...

P.S. Hey, I've added Pam's and your blogs to my list of blogs. That ok?? Please let me know if it's not.

Glen Asbury said...


Why not? :)

We are honored that people read and participate. Please do so often.