Saturday, March 22, 2008

McCain in Iraq

Bob Novak reports in his Weekend Newsletter that Republican higher-ups are unhappy with McCain for making a trip to Iraq right now because "they felt that no political purpose was served by the prospective Republican presidential nominee going halfway around the world to praise President Bush's troop surge."

This kind of thing is what I despise most about politicians, and yes, I'm aware that I'm criticizing my own folk here. But, please, people....could we not assume that perhaps McCain wasn't going to Iraq for a political purpose, and couldn't have cared less about whether a polling boost was or wasn't the result of his trip? If we know anything about McCain, it is that without a doubt, he is a huge supporter of the troops. In fact, I think it is safe to say that he loves the men and women in uniform, and the sentiment is mutual. And we all know that he has supported this war from the beginning and continues to do so, today.

As I've said before, McCain was not my first choice for the Republican nod this year or even my second. One upshot that I do hope for, though, as a result of his nomination is that a new respect is garnered for a refusal to engage in politics as usual, i.e., the finger to the wind prior to every decision that is made, including a visit to the troops in the field. How would these Republican leaders have felt if McCain had called a press conference and informed everyone that he was considering a trip to Iraq but decided against it since it wouldn't advance his campaign goals (or some such wording)?

Let me clarify before I close up shop for tonight: I do believe there are more politicians in Washington and elsewhere than some might think who are principled and true to their convictions. Chris Matthews and I are not a lot alike, but I identify with him in one way and that is our overall fondness for politicians as people and admiration for their gutsiness in putting themselves out their on a regular basis for our up or down vote. But, this doesn't mean I won't call out shameful conduct when I see it, even on my team!

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