Monday, May 19, 2008

Is it really this bad?

Tim Russert asked Mike Huckabee yesterday about Congressman Tom Davis' (R-Virginia) comments, comparing the Republican brand to dog food that should be taken off the shelf. Huckabee forthrightly admitted that Davis was right and Republicans are in deep trouble. His solution, as you would expect, is "Elect John McCain because he's the new kind of Republican."

Bob Novak's Monday column gives all the reasons why Huckabee may be right, if McCain sticks to his promises to veto all earmark proposals.

Novak's inestimable reporting prowess never ceases to amaze me and the facts he reports are always cause for angst. What he says makes me wonder what kind of echo chamber these Republicans who go to Washington eventually enter?

I want to believe that most people go into public service for noble motives. What they become is frightening, though. Do these GOP caucus members not mind the idea of permanent minority status as long as they retain their parking spaces and country club memberships and ultimately land a multi-million dollar gig in lobbying after they leave politics?

The talk now is that after the November elections, we may be down 70+ seats in the House, and may no longer have a filibuster option in the Senate due to the presence of less than 41 GOP Senators. Even if McCain wins, he will have no coattails. Under this scenario, would McCain's win even mean anything of substance to conservatives?

When you compare our quandary now to 2002 or even 2004, the mind reels.

I will have more on this soon....MUCH more, if time allows, and I think it will as a holiday weekend approaches!

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