Friday, June 26, 2009

Cap & Trade bill up for vote today

As I have said on many occasions, I have real problems with the decisions both political parties have made in recent years. I am a conservative first and then a Republican, only because the Republican Party allies most closely with the positions I myself embrace.

That being said, don't ever tell me there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the two parties. That is simply false. This dastardly Cap & Trade bill that is up for a vote today couldn't constitute a clearer indication that a new crowd is in charge in Washington. And it MUST be defeated.

I live in Indiana, a key Midwestern state. We rely heavily on the use of clean coal for energy. Cap & Trade will devastate our local economy, all based on a fabrication championed by Al Gore and his cronies who don't even live up to their own standards. Do the research: Al Gore's house is less green than George W. Bush's. It has been documented for years, and no, I won't provide a link and do your homework for you, but that is what you'll find if you take the time to dig a little.

We are blessed in Indiana's Fifth District with a conservative stalwart in Congress, Mr. Dan Burton. Burton is fearless in his advocacy of conservative policies on the domestic front. I talked to one of his staff members (a friend) in person yesterday and told him that I never even have to worry about Dan Burton when it comes to issues such as this. Still, I checked in just for good measure! I also interacted with staff members of Congressmen Mike Pence and Steve Buyer, both of whom are voting No.

I tried to call the offices of Baron Hill, Pete Visclosky and Brad Ellsworth and got busy signals all 3 times; these are 3 of Indiana's 4 Democrats.

If you happen across this, please call your Congressperson immediately and tell them to vote NO on Cap and Trade. The vote, as of 2:45 PM today, has not yet happened.

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