Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Media Research Center

I want to introduce anyone who reads my ramblings, whether daily, once a month or by happenstance, to an organization that is indispensable for our time. Conservatives owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Media Research Center. Brent Bozell is the founder and continues to stand at the helm today of this yeoman enterprise, which is dedicated to shining a piercing light on the machinations of the stupendously organized and often stealthy liberalism that is the mainstream media today.

If you are ever tempted to wonder whether mainstream media bias is real or just a fabrication of right-wing, Rush Limbaugh-listening nuts like me...point your browser to straightaway and start reading, viewing, listening and absorbing. What you will encounter will blow your mind. With little to no commentary, you will see Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams and their ilk exposed for the front people they really are.

There is also a companion website to the MRC at You can have their daily Top 5 or so delivered to your e-mail inbox, which I have done for quite some time now. This is must reading for me every day, in order to understand more adequately what we are up against.

Rush has said for years that he could easily devote 3 hours of his show every day to exposing media bias and still have far more material than he could ever hope to use. MRC confirms the truth of this SPADES.

If you're a Facebook user, you can also "friend" Seton Motley, who is Director of Communications for the MRC, to interact in an even more personal way with their efforts.

You too will conclude that the emperor, indeed, has no clothes.

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