Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tim and Mitt

I know NO ONE cares about the 2012 election yet...except for the news media and political junkies like me who keep constant tabs on this type of thing.

Having said that, I just read in the Washington Post that Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota, just announced earlier this week that he will not be seeking re-election next year. Pawlenty's name has been in the mix for 2012 ever since November 5, 2008; he was also rumored to have been on McCain's short list for VP. The chatter at large is that Pawlenty's decision will give him a full year to campaign before the primaries begin.

I was impressed by his brief speech at CPAC this year. His tone was even and measured, but far from wishy-washy. He is a gifted speaker with a personality that is inviting, and as closely as I can determine, is a solid social and fiscal conservative. He is also a committed evangelical Christian.

Everyone knows I was a Romney supporter last year. I still like him and feel he possesses financial and business acumen that we need in the White House. I am troubled, though, by one thing: As of a few weeks ago, anyway, he was still declaring that TARP I (the first big bailout of $750 M back in September) was legislation that was needed at the time. This is defense of the indefensible, and I don't understand how Mitt doesn't see that. If Pawlenty differentiates himself along this line, gains a little more name ID and makes inroads among evangelicals, he may pull some of Mitt's voters away from him...if he runs. Romney clearly is, complete with the expected coy, non-denial denials when he appears on the Sunday shows.

For any of you Huckabee supporters out there...don't even try. I like his TV show and he is a good guy...but he's SOOO 2008, if you get my drift.

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