Tuesday, June 9, 2009

George Tiller compared to MLK, Jr.

The Washington Post has a story today by Julia Duin who covered the memorial service for Dr. George Tiller, the late-term abortionist who was gunned down in his church a few days ago. The service was sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.

The eulogist was delivered by Tiller's fellow late-term abortionist, Dr. Leroy Carhart. In his prepared remarks, as reported by Ms. Duin, Carhart "called on the federal government to treat as hate crimes all activities by 'anti-choice domestic terrorists,' compared the slain Dr. George Tiller to Martin Luther King and said planting crosses was equivalent to actions by the Ku Klux Klan.

"'This is the equivalent of Martin Luther King being assassinated,' Dr. Carhart said of the May 31 slaying of one of America's best-known late-term abortion providers. 'This is the equivalent of Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the Lusitania and any other major historic event where we've tolerated the intolerable for too long.'"

(Carhart also recounted one of Tiller's favorite quips: "When the going gets tough, the tough get Dairy Queen." Why this was considered noteworthy enough to include in a eulogy escapes me.)

The outrage doesn't stop there, but I really don't care to quote any more of this not only patently offensive, but blatantly threatening bilge. You can read the whole thing here.

Scott Roeder committed a terrible crime when he took Tiller's life into his hands, rather than leaving Tiller's judgment to God. It is also understandable that someone like Carhart (who clearly has no moral compass just as his friend, George Tiller, possessed none) would utter sentiments such as this.

I fear more for the mindless observers who fail to employ a sense of perspective in the midst of it all. Who will mourn for the loss of completely innocent lives that have no voice of their own, which the pro-abortion movement has facilitated now for 36 years?

Dr. Carhart, count me in among that number. I will NEVER be silent on this issue, no matter what you and your comrades plot. Our convictions demand that we stand up and be counted even when the alleged consequences may be severe. And I shall, God being my helper. As long as the First Amendment still means anything in this country, that is my right, too!

1 comment:

Susan said...

The main thing coming to mind is: "wow" and "crazy".