Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Senate Conservatives' Fund

Even though he is old enough to be my father, I'm adopting Jim DeMint. As my Senator, that is. Which will be difficult, because he represents South Carolina, but we'll find a way!

He has, officially, been my favorite Senator for some time now, with Tom Coburn, from Oklahoma running a very close second. Jim DeMint is the only Senator to maintain a 100% rating from the American Conservative Union. A quick glance at his website also informs us that he is rated at 100% by both the Family Research Council (Tony Perkins' organization) and National Right to Life.

Jim DeMint got a rock star reception at CPAC this year because we know this man is the real deal. His most quoted line from his speech was that "Last Tuesday night, we heard the world's best salesman for socialism make his case to the nation." (President Obama had just given his State of the Union speech earlier that week.)

DeMint was one of the first Senators to come out and endorse Mitt Romney for the 2008 Presidential nomination, which was a key reason in my own decision that root for Mitt. (Not that my backing mattered; the contest had been over for 3 months and McCain had locked up the delegates he needed for over 2 months by the time Indiana's primary transpired in May.) DeMint is also the only Senator so far to endorse Marco Rubio in Florida's Senate primary, rather than Charlie Crist, the favored candidate of the Republican establishment.

Now, this courageous man has formed an organization called the Senate Conservatives' Fund, with the stated goal of exactly what the title promises: "Electing Conservatives to the United States Senate." I received the first fundraising letter from this organization last week. I don't give money to many political groups; I have never given to the Republican National Committee, for instance, because I prefer to donate to candidates that I trust.

I will be sending some money soon to the Senate Conservatives' Fund. This is a group that puts the hard-earned donor dollars where they belong.

You can click here for the web page of the Senate Conservatives' Fund, which also contains a 2-minute introductory video by Senator DeMint. If you have been yearning for a sitting politician who will say what needs to be said, regardless of which political party's failures are accurately portrayed in the process...you need to watch this video. You will stand up and cheer! And then, I just know you'll reach for your wallet/purse and pull out that credit card and donate at least $25 so you can get Senator DeMint's new book and support an eminently worthy cause!

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