Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden in Springfield

I am watching the coverage as Obama introduces Biden to the diehards out in the 90+ degree heat in Springfield, IL.

Biden has already demonstrated he is more than willing to throw down the gauntlet, in terms of any friendship he has ever had with John McCain. He just threw a nasty dig in there a few minutes ago about sitting at his kitchen table "like all the rest of you" trying to decide how to pay the bills when McCain is faced with the decision of which of his 7 kitchen tables he should sit at?

First, how many of us really believe that Joe Biden has worried about paying a personal bill in the last 20 years? I saw his house on TV last night when all the reporters were camped out in front of it; it looked quite nice. More power to him!

Well, from this team, we can expect the crassest class warfare rhetoric we've ever seen for the next 2 months. Like we expected anything different than that, but oh well....

(Did he just call Obama "Barack Omera?" Where did that come from?)


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. Get this....Mother and I were talking about Biden....she was wondering who he is etc. and she said that I should check Glen's blog... "maybe he will have something blogged." I said, "I'm sure he will!" Your style is very engaging! Marilyn Weese

Aaron41A said...

Once again Obama proves to be the most arrogant of candidates in recent memory. I find it humorous that the Democrats seem to believe that all they have to do is "show up" this year to be handed their coveted prize. Is it just me, or do the candidates become more and more arrogant proportionate to the less and less qualified for office they are?

Faith said...

Great commentary, Glen!

I admit I chuckle as I read your blog, however, because my brain conjures up your voice and I can hear you. (I have a hunch I'm hearing you at least an octave higher than reality.) The mind is a strange and wonderful thing, eh?

As to how Obama/Biden rolls off your tongue... how about "I can't aBide 'n Obama"?