Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin speech in progress

This lady has CHARISMA in spades!!! She is gutsy, she is bold without being brassy and she is so clearly a woman of character and conviction.

Anyone who is worried about her debating Joe Biden can put those fears to rest. Palin is clearly the furthest thing from a political hack that McCain could have found.

It was major lump in throat time for me as my little girl jumped off the school bus and walked into the house just in time for Sarah Palin to come to the platform. I had Carli sit down and watch as McCain brought Palin to the podium. I want my little girl to remember these images for life, and never to forget that in a year when the Democrats rejected a woman as their candidate and their nominee made a safe, conventional pick for VP, we put a woman on our ticket for Vice President.

Palin has just mentioned both Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton from the platform, a very smart move that demonstrated both grace and genuineness. Her final sentence summing up that section of her speech:

"The women of America aren't finished yet, and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all!"


Unknown said...

I watched her speech--I agree that this is a smart, smart move on the part of the McCain campaign. This lady is a tough cookie (in a nice way)--she clearly loves her husband, who is also young and good-looking--and she comes across as a no-nonsense type of person. I don't have a lot of female friends, and I'm NOT a feminist. But I think I could be friends with her, as she's a lot like the female friends I do have. I'll tell you what kept occurring to me as she spoke: this woman is an American, and John McCain is an American. I mean, a real American. That's the difference between them and Barack Hussein Obama. Your Aunt A.

Faith said...

Didn't get to watch her speech, but been reading online about her. I don't think you're the only one jazzed! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes this is the McCain I have been waiting for. The next two mounths should prove very interesting. Politics in America, at it's best.

Anonymous said...

I am encouraged tremendously by this extremely savy pick! While I remain somewhat skeptical of McCain's motives at times, the right choice was made as far as evangelicals are concerned. None of the other finalists moved me even slightly, however Palin gives me some reason for excitement. Honestly V.P.'s are largely symbolic figures, even so I'd rather the symbol be one of conservative strength than the alternative. Oh, and isn't it nice that the Dem's immediately accuse the GOP of "desperate tactics"? How is it that you spell hypocrisy again? Oh yes, d-e-m-o-c-r-a-t.

Anonymous said...

After watching her speech, I'm going to have to eat my words and get involved in this race. I can hardly believe that John McCain was so fortunate to find a young conservative woman as far away from Washington as one can get, who clearly loves her husband (what a way to celebrate their 20th anniversary!!) and is the pround mother of a son in the army and the pro-life mother of a Down's Syndrome child!! Can you believe that in the same week Hillary was offically trashed by the Democrats, the Republicans stole the show with a female VP who is 20 years younger, so much better looking and doesn't sound like a shrill shrew?? Today I'm proud to be a member of the Republican Party and I can hardly wait for the Vice Presidential Debate between Sarah and Joe--I want a front row seat!!