Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saddleback Forum on Fox News, Part III

Warren: "Why do you want to be President? Give an answer in a minute, even though you could spend an hour on this!"

Obama: "The American dream is slipping away. We are at a critical juncture...I have the ability to build bridges across partisan, racial and regional lines to get people to work together on commonsense solutions."

Warren: "What do you say to people who oppose me asking you these questions?"

Obama: "These are the kinds of forums we need....we need to have these conversations. People need to have good information, rather than just consuming negative ads. I want people to know me well, and I'm sure John McCain feels the same way."

Warren: "What would you tell the American public if you knew there weren't media repercussions?" (the final question)

Obama: "That the energy problem won't be solved easily....that we can't pretend that everything is free and that there is no sacrifice involved."

I actually agree with Obama on the last answer, though I don't think we would mean the same thing by it.

All in all, far from a lightweight exchange. Now, I am eager to see McCain take the queries.

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