Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saddleback Forum on Fox News

I am grading papers while I watch the Saddleback Forum with Rick Warren interviewing both Presidential candidates in front of what appears to be a packed-out sanctuary.

Based on a toss of the coin, Obama went first.

I have to applaud Rick Warren, whom I admire, but honestly, I thought he would probably duck the difficult questions. He isn't. The highest moment of drama so far was when Warren asked Obama "At what point does a baby acquire human rights?" Obama dodged the question, saying it was above his pay grade!!!??? (His exact words.)

Warren has also asked about Obama's views on marriage and whether or not he would support a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Obama replied that he believed in this definition, but would not support such an amendment.

I predict Obama will run into trouble on Monday with the talk show crowd for saying earlier in the evening that America's greatest moral failure is that we don't do enough for or thing enough about "the least of these" among us. (In fairness to Obama, Warren did ask what Obama perceived to be America's greatest moral failure.) This will just cement the reputation Obama is accruing already as someone who does not see fundamental greatness in America, but only multiple ills.

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